A love letter to decadence, above all else

lauren is

Pretentiousness, unhingedness, and a myriad of other negative adjectives amalgamated into an internet webpage.

The concept of "self", deconstructed, stripped, distilled even, to its rawest elements of what is known and unknown makes up the "human condition". Fractured memories, unable to reliably distinguish the "real" from fake, permeate the deepest reaches of subconscious desire. Shattered beyond recognition, yet traces of the old remain on the surface. Something, I can't tell what, is really wrong... What were we talking about again?

In spite of everything, choosing to live, or to die, to love, and to hate, is a beautiful act.


Enjoy these readings.

Ego and Its Own - Max Stirner

Simulacra and Simulation - Jean Baudrillard

Philosophia - Amano Shuninta

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made with love and nicotine <3